Muse and Hearth

Episode 1: Greece vs Rome

July 31, 2020 Valerie Abraham and Lydia Foucachon Season 1 Episode 1

Valerie and Lydia discuss the famous debate between Boris Johnson (yes, we were surprised to find out he studied classics!) and Mary Beard, the Cambridge classicist. Find the link to the debate below, then join Lydia and Valerie to chat about classical civilization! Greece vs Rome: which civilization was greater? Were the Romans indeed more “human” than the Greeks? Did Greece invent everything and Rome merely copy it all? Does “copying” make their contributions less authentic? And will Valerie or Lydia change their mind after listening to the debate? Find us on Facebook and let us know if the debate—or Valerie and Lydia’s commentary—changed your mind!

Links and Books: 

Boris Johnson vs. Mary Beard Debate

Johnson vs. Beard YouTube version

"The Roots of American Order" by Russell Kirk

"The Dream of Rome" by Boris Johnson