Muse and Hearth
Muse and Hearth is a podcast for Christian women who want to extend the ideas behind classical education and the Great Books tradition into all of life. Too often we leave the intellectual rigor of the liberal arts in the towers of academia, or in the textbooks. But what if we as women, as wives, as mothers, made that intellectual tradition a part of our own habits and our family culture?
21 episodes
Episode 21: Homesteading, with Jordyn Lafon
Join us today as we talk about all things homesteading and small farming with Jordyn LaFon! Jordyn shared with us her family’s story as they got started with farming, as well as some of the highs and lows of learning on the job when it ...
Season 2
Episode 21

Episode 20: Mystie Winckler and Simply Convivial
Join us as we discuss homemaking, productivity, and motherhood with Mystie Winckler of Simply Convivial. It’s tempting to look for a “fix it quick scheme” or to get out of sorts with our hom...
Season 2
Episode 20

Episode 19: Eve in Exile with Rebekah Merkle
On today’s episode I had the privilege of interviewing Rebekah Merkle, author of Eve in Exile and the documentary of the same name. Her work challenges cultural feminism as we know it and is an encouragemen...
Season 2
Episode 19

Episode 18: How to be a reader (when life is “too full” for reading)
In episode 18 I’m joined by Courtney Handermann and Anna van den Broek as we discuss strategies for making reading a priority when life is busy. Our discussion includes tips for starting a book group as a way to help us keep up reading momentum...
Season 2
Episode 18

Episode 17: Interview with Author Christine Cohen
We were excited to welcome author Christine Cohen to the podcast. We discussed topics related to her books The Winter King and Sinking City . We asked her what she looks for in a good heroine, why it’s ok for her...
Season 2
Episode 17

Episode 16: Everyday faithfulness: an interview with Nancy Wilson
Welcome to Muse and Hearth, a podcast for Christian women, cultivating mind, heart, and home. I’m Lydia Foucachon and I’m so pleased to be joined today by my pastor’s lovely wife Nancy Wilson! She is a mother, grandma of a whole passel of grand...
Season 2
Episode 16

Episode 15: Deeper Heaven with Christiana Hale
In this episode, Lydia Foucachon is joined by Christiana Hale, author of Deeper Heaven: A Reader's Guide to C.S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy. Listen in as they discuss common preconceived notions about the Ransom Trilogy and how to app...
Season 2
Episode 15

Episode 14: Cookbooks
Welcome to Season 2! Lydia and Valerie took a few weeks off to let Valerie settle in with her newest little one, and are excited for a new round of conversations about cultivating our minds and homes. We’re wrapping up our series on the theolog...
Season 2
Episode 14

Episode 13: A Meal with Jesus
In this episode, we discuss Tim Chester’s overview of food and feasting in the Bible. A Meal With Jesus emphasizes the importance of our daily ritual of eating (and the weekly eating of the Lord’s Supper as the b...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 12: Picture Books
In time for Advent and Christmastide gift giving, we took a brief hiatus from our hospitality topic to talk about children’s books! We got so excited to share about our favorite titles and authors that we ran out...
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11: Hospitality and The Supper of the Lamb, Part 2
Valerie and Lydia delve deeper into Robert Capon’s thoughts on hospitality (Is formal hospitality the same as “entertaining?” How has the cult of authenticity shaped our approach as hostesses?) and shaping taste in our children. Links: <...
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 10: Hospitality and The Supper of the Lamb, Part 1
Delighting in food and creation is our theme in this episode! Lydia and Valerie explore the classic, mid-century theological culinary reflections of Robert Capon, pastor and amateur of all things delightful in the kitchen. How can we learn what...
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 9: Hospitality and Babette's Feast
We’re excited to launch a short series of episodes on the topic of hospitality, beginning with a discussion of Babette’s Feast, the moving novella (and its film adaptation) by Isak Dinesen. What can Babette’s Feast teach us about the nature of ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 8: Persuasion: An Un-Modern Love Story
Persuasion is not the most popular of Austen’s works, but we think it’s a hidden gem. Can a passive heroine be an agent of change? Is there a hint of Dante’s Beatri...
Season 1
Episode 8

Episode 7: Jane Austen's Emma
Lydia and Valerie have strong feelings about Austen. Especially modern re-interpretations of Austen. We won’t give too much away, but we had LOTS of thoughts on Autumn DeWilde’s 2020 film adaptation of Emma. Is A...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 6: Reading Lists
“Words, words, words!” Get ready to add some titles to your reading list, and be sure to let us know what your favorite or current reads are! We need more to add to our lists...which is to say we already have mor...
Season 1
Episode 6

Episode 5: Pantry Staples
Welcome to our eclectic COVD-inspired episode on our favorite cooking tips and recipes, including broth and stock, and of course sourdough. Books and Links:
Season 1
Episode 5

Episode 4: De Descriptione Temporum
Once upon a time, C. S. Lewis gave one of his best lectures ever. It was called “De Descriptione Temporum,” and everyone—yes, you too—should read it. We were joined in this episode by Daniel Foucachon, Lydia’s hu...
Season 1
Episode 4

Episode 3: Hallowed Be This House
In today’s episode, Lydia and Valerie discuss Thomas Howard’s book, Hallowed be This House. We chat about seeing the glory ...
Season 1
Episode 3